The Truth Behind Getting Stage Lean with Jamie DoRego

Bodybuilding champion and already veteran competitor/coach of the sport Jamie DoRego reveals his ultimate strategies for getting contest lean that has helped him forge one of the most successful contest prep portfolio’s on the internet today.

1) Best advice for peak week?

My advice for peak week is very simple: the saying “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” comes to mind. I believing in cruising in and making very minor manipulations to peak.

I believe the issue with most individuals is they try change way too much in order to get 1% better; they manipulate too much sodium, water, food, etc and instead end up looking worse.

Keep things simple and basic – use the foods you used during prep to carb up and stick to what you know. It makes no sense to me why people turn to things like pop tarts and carb sources they haven’t used for their entire prep. In my opinion you’re just asking for digestive problems!

2) What stage out should you start your prep?

I think it all depends on your starting point – if carrying more body fat you obviously need more time!

I used to always start my prep around 16 weeks out personally as I prefer time on my side and to be ready early so I can cruise in.

That being said, this year I got ready in 10 weeks which was very new to me but things happened very quickly this year!

I think we have to remember every prep is different but I would always prefer to be ready early and have time on my side rather than chasing my tail.

3) What key strategies do you use to give you/clients an edge on the competition?

I think being prepared is the most important aspect to give you the edge over the competition – practice makes perfect!

I always tell my clients to make sure they nail there stage presence, posing is key, make it look easy and effortless because it really shows on stage and plays in your favor!

I generally start posing practice around 8-10 weeks out and would do around 30-60 mins every other day!


Jamie is no stranger to the stage, and with literally dozens of clients having walked on and competed on the international arena already, you’ll be best advised to implement his advice!

The post The Truth Behind Getting Stage Lean with Jamie DoRego appeared first on PROJECTAD.

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