Most Important AD Supplements During Prep and Why

Supplementation plays a huge role in any contest prep, they help us optimize training and nutrition to its full potential … I’m not saying that you MUST take absolutely every supplement there is on the market but there are some certain supplements and products I never go with out!

My essential AD supplements during contest prep…

  • Liver support
  • Digestive enzyme
  • Greens formula
  • Fiber supplement

Liver support:

A solid liver support in my opinion is a MUST…. health is often overlooked in this sport but it’s vital you keep the liver and kidneys functioning optimally… episodically during a prep where your likely to put them through even more stress… having a solid liver support will help keep your liver protected… I currently use 2 servings of Project AD Liver+ am and pm during any contest prep!

Digestive enzyme:

Digestive enzymes Help us breakdown and utilize food… they can be very beneficial in making sure we absorb all nutrients and get the most out of the food we consume! Offseason or prep I would highly recommend taking a good digestive complex… I currently use Project AD Ravenous, 1 serving 3 x daily with meals.

Greens formula:

This is a product I never go without… full of antioxidants and vitamins to keep the immune system and gut healthy, we need to keep our health optimal in order to perform better! I currently use one servings daily of  Grazed, one serving AM and one serving PM.

Fiber supplement:

Fiber is very important within our diet to keep gut and digestion healthy… now I’m not the biggest fan of veg… I generally don’t eat much so it means I struggle to meet Fiber requirements to keep my digestive system optimal… so i generally supplement with Fiber+ 2 x per day… one serving AM and one serving PM … this product is one of my favorites and I can not live without… Fibre + chocolate mixed with Grazed is a life saver on any contest prep so it’s a must try!

All Supplements have their play in any contest prep or offseason… of course I use the likes of pre workouts, pump formulas, GDAs etc but I wouldn’t consider these essential…more as an extra to help us push our training etc.. at the end of the day it comes down to cost and what’s affordable for most individuals… but the above supplements I highly recommend during any prep! My Advice would to always choose a brand that is respected and reputable… I have used AD products way before I came onboard as an athlete with them.

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